Thank you for this beautiful piece, Susannah. Really helps me. And the cacao tip ; )

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Loved this.

It made me tear up in joy and gratitude to be still in the writing process myself, but also for you, knowing you made your magic and it's out in the world finding its home xx

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It's funny, because in the times I've taken a step back from my writing my own novel (a 3/4 month period while I finished a personal trainer qualification, after the first draft, after the second draft etc) it's like my brain decides that I have given it permission to take one of the ideas I had simmering on a back burner off and brings it to the forefront and I need to clear it out and write it down in order for it to leave me alone. It might be mostly because my other ideas involve characters from my main novel (the one I'm drafting for the third time) and so I still get to play within this world I created and don't have to say goodbye to it just yet. We'll see if I have a different relationship to finishing when all the ideas are in novel form!

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Very thought provoking. Thank you. Our relationship with grief is very complex.

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